Do You Want to Risk Failure of Your Car’s Timing Belt?

Cars and most automotive vehicles operate on an internal combustion engine, power is generated when the matters are combined such as fuel and air sucked into the chambers known as cylinders. When this occurs, the force pushes the piston that rotates the drive shaft and generates enough power for the wheels to move the car. This is ultimately how energy is transferred from the engine to the wheels, however there is much more to it than combining a mixture of fuel and air to create energy.

A major part of any cars ability to operate mechanically is due to arguably the most crucial component of all, the timing belt. The belt is designed to synchronize the crankshafts and camshafts so the engine’s valves open and close at precise times for the intake of fuel and air within each cylinder. Keeping this component well maintained and regularly inspected is an integral part of avoiding a disastrous timing belt failure that could cost you more than a simple inconvenience.

Timing Belt Component

The timing belt plays such an important role and runs between the camshaft and the crankshaft and is adjusted with precision to ensure the valves open and close at the precise second it is required. Without the timing belt, the engine will be unable to carry out its role in creating energy and transferring it to the wheels. The timing belt is made from durable material that is designed to withstand extensive rotation, extreme temperatures whilst constantly performing at its peak.

Timing Belt Maintenance

Considering how important the role of a timing belt is, it needs to be kept in great condition to perform at its best. Timing belts in general require replacement every 100,000 kilometers and inspection on the belt should be carried out every time the car engine oil is changed. To inspect the belt, begin by looking at the outside of the belt for micro cracks that may be developing. Although the belt may seem like it is made only from rubber, however it is reinforced with metal within to create a strong belt. There is nothing to really worry about if there are one or two tiny cracks on the outer surface but take note if you begin to see lots of cracks developing, which is a sign of extreme wear and an early sign to replace the belt. Ignoring these signs can lead to a catastrophic failure, causing the belt to snap during vehicle operation and leading to severe engine damage. It is much more cost effective to replace the belt rather than risking irreversible engine failure, costly repairs and major inconvenience. Avoid the risk by seeking a mechanic for their professional opinion on whether your timing belt is due for a replacement.